When Close Income Statement (General Ledger >> Periodic Activities >> Fiscal Year >> Close Income Statement)
I get the following message:
This Shortcut Dimension is not defined in het General Ledger Setup.
In this division there is no shortcut dimension. Only a Global Dimension 1
Someone any idea??
In the 'General Ledger Setup' check that you have the same value in 'Global Dimension 1' and 'Shortcut Dimension 1', these should be both the same value, the system should have filled the 'Shortcut Dimension 1' when you set 'Global Dimension 1', unless they have been imported via a dataport.
Some system generated error messages are not always clear as to a specific problem, so if the 'General Ledger Setup' Dimensions are correct, it would then looks like you have a invalid 'Ledger Entry Dimension', where the 'Dimension Code' or 'Dimension Value Code' does not exist.
Run table 355 and sort by 'Dimension Code','Dimension Value Code'
Then apply a Table Filter 'Dimension Code', '<> Global Dimension 1'
That should bring up any entries that have a 'Dimension Code' <> 'Global Dimension 1'
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Email: david.cox@adeptris.com
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I've checked table 335 and applied the filter you mentioned. I found a lot of empty dimensioncodes. Can that be the reason of the problem?
Table ID Entry code Dimension code
17 251 BEDRIJF
17 251 <empty>
Does 'Global Dimension 1' = '251'?
If not where did the invalid 'Ledger Dimensions' come from, is it a legacy take-on data problem or an on going transactional problem, will you have the same problem next year, has anyone played about with posted data as a support issue?
It is hard to advise without a clear picture of how the invalid entries got in the system, there are many factors to consider before making any posted data changes, Analysis Views ,Other ledgers (Item, Customer, Vendor), dimension values, posted document dimensions and default dimensions, etc:, so it is not just a matter of deleting or updating data.
I would say first step is to investigate the source of the G/L Entries that have invalid dimensions, are these from imported opening entries, Journal entries, or posted documents, are you using any other reporting cubes or analysis views etc: that would be affected, have management reports been issued by Dimension etc:
The standard system will not allow a blank value, and you cannot delete a dimension value if it has been used, so these entries must have been created by a modification or import function, please do not delete any entries or change anything until you understand the impact.
It may be wise to backup and restore the database as a local copy to test different solutions.
Mobile: +44(0)7854 842801
Email: david.cox@adeptris.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Adeptris
Website: http://www.adeptris.com