Subcontracting Isuue When receiving 2 Items

jubeljoyjubeljoy Member Posts: 154
In the case of receiving 2items in the subcontracting procedure only first line material is shown in the GRN properly. Second item w'nt be displayed. How this situation can be overcome?


  • santoshmkcetsantoshmkcet Member Posts: 229
    Dear jubeljoy,

    the subcontracting order is designed in such a way that the item will be sent by its raw material & received by the product

    so we cannot sent 2 items sent together at a time.
    Thanks & Regards
    Where Stones can be transformed to Gold
  • jubeljoyjubeljoy Member Posts: 154
    Dear santoshmkcet,
    I understand that, but i need to receive more than one item in the same Subcontracting Order. Reason for that is we will be sending multiple items for subcontracting to same subcontractor. As we are dealing with a mechanical firm we are having 25 to 30 daily subcontrcating orders which is working online. So you will understand that it is very difficult to raise subcontracting orders for each item that we send and receive.
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