VAT Amount + VAT Base Amount must be Amount

tro#1tro#1 Member Posts: 122

have you seen this message before?
The user tries to issue a Finance Charge Memo.
He get's the error message:

VAT Amount + VAT Base Amount must be Amount

Any hints what we could check?


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    It seems like some customization. Enable debugger and see where it will stop.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • tro#1tro#1 Member Posts: 122
    I turned on the debugger and it shows that the message appears because of CU 11 Gen. Jnl.-Check Line
    - no modifications/ customization at all in this CU.

    Please ook for Text005 and you will find the code which causes the message.

    I ran the test report for the Finance Charge Memo:
    It shows the VAT Amount, the VAT Base and the Amount.
    VAT Amount and VAT Base sum up perfectly to the Amount.

    Could it be a rounding issue?

    Any idea would be appreciated.
  • gsiracusagsiracusa Member Posts: 26
    How are the lines been inserted? Manually or done import by some function?

    You can try to validate the amounts

    Giovanni Siracusa
  • tro#1tro#1 Member Posts: 122
    I tried several things:
    I created all lines again, validated different fields, etc. - meanwhile I have an actual test database where I can try different ways. But still: I get the error message: VAT Amount + VAT Base Amount must be Amount

    One important fact: It is not just for one Finance Charge Memo but the error message appears for EVERY one which got created.

    The Finance Charge Memos usually get created each quarter. End of March the finance lady had no problems to create and issue them.

    It could be that any VAT setups have been changed during the last three months. I asked and nobody knows of different setups.

    Any hint what else could get checked?
    Thank you
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