
Using the Windows login table seems to be REALLY slow ???

Dean_AxonDean_Axon Member Posts: 193
Hi All;

I am trying to use the windows Login table in a form (Table 2000000054) but it seems to take ages to return all the windows users :( .

I don't think that all is lost as when you do "Tools>>Security>>Windows Logins" this uses the same table and is super fast :D

my question is this......

Dows anyone know how this speed has been achieved or have any solutions/suggestions n how I can make it faster for my own form ?

For completeness I am using Native DB, Client and Server v4 sp3.


Remember: Keep it simple


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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    It could be a lo of things, but one that I have seen often is an issue with BDCs or where the domain is supported some way across a WAN. I had a really bad situation once where the client had their BDC at a remote location, and had the issue you mention. Taking BDC off line fixed it (temporarily of course). In the end we added the User name Text field to the table and had a routine that populated it once a week, and used that field instead.
    David Singleton
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    Dean_AxonDean_Axon Member Posts: 193
    Hi David,

    all servers are in the same building so running across the LAN.

    BTW, when I say slow, I mean 20-30 seconds not tens of minutes.

    In the NAV form mentioned previously, it takes about 3 seconds and I can scroll quite happily up and down which I what I want to replicate in my own form.


    Remember: Keep it simple
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    BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    MAYBE the difference is that you have to calculate an extra flowfield (name) which is not calculated in the tools>security>...
    try to create a form with wizard for table 2000000054 and...
    first: add to the view only "ID" field
    second: add the "name" field, too to the form and see what happens.
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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    Dean_AxonDean_Axon Member Posts: 193
    Hi Belias,

    I did think of that too and created a form with just the "ID" field, still slower that the security form though ](*,)

    Maybe I just have to live with it ? :(

    Remember: Keep it simple
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