
Shortcut filter

tjepptjepp Member Posts: 2
Hi Forum

I need to call Attain from external App. and will use the shortcut line to doo it.
I went to form 2089 and set my filter in field53002 as wanted and set in %CLIP% as Variable. It works so far but
it needs the possision .. otherwise i get an erro that the job dont exist.
My Q. can i replase the "position=Field1=0(30008)" with some thing just to stand in the first line og keep it out without getting the error?

[url=navision://client/run?servername=sql%26database=attain360%26company=KRONE%20SKANDINAVIEN%20A/S%26target=Form%2089%26view=SORTING(Field1]navision://client/run?servername=sql%26 ... ING(Field1[/url])%20WHERE(Field53002=1(%CLIP%))%26position=Field1=0(30008)%26servertype=MSSQL

BG /Allan
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