
Comment in object text file

spiky_goldenspiky_golden Member Posts: 44
I Need to add comment in the .txt export file of nav 5.0 objects. I know how to put comments in the code section with the // or {} symbole, but what's the syntax in the field definition section?

The reason I want to do that is that i want to tag every line that has been modified in the objects including field modification. Anyone have a clue?

Patrick Venner
Cabico Custom Cabinetry


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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    Just add a comment in the FOB export it and see how it is formatted. ](*,)
    David Singleton
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    spiky_goldenspiky_golden Member Posts: 44
    Well in this case can you tell me how to add a comment in the field definition?
    I have to do something like this :
    {comment here} { 1000000000;TextBox;4048 ;550 ;1700 ;440 ;ParentControl=1;
    {comment here} InColumn=Yes;
    {comment here} SourceExpr="Order No." }
    {comment here} { 1000000001;Label ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;ParentControl=1000000000;
    {comment here} InColumnHeading=Yes }
    Patrick Venner
    Cabico Custom Cabinetry
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    MBergerMBerger Member Posts: 413
    Well in this case can you tell me how to add a comment in the field definition?
    I have to do something like this :
    {comment here} { 1000000000;TextBox;4048 ;550 ;1700 ;440 ;ParentControl=1;
    {comment here} InColumn=Yes;
    {comment here} SourceExpr="Order No." }
    {comment here} { 1000000001;Label ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;ParentControl=1000000000;
    {comment here} InColumnHeading=Yes }

    I don't think what you want is possible, it would ruin the textfile, and you wouldn't be able to import it anymore.
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    jlandeenjlandeen Member Posts: 524
    The closest thing that I can think of when you're referring to a field on a table is to modify the description value of that field. As you can see below there is a "Description=" property of field 10, as it looks when it is output from NAV to a text file.
    { 10  ;   ;Purch. Document Type;Option        ;OptionString=Quote,Order,Invoice,Credit Memo,Blanket Order,Return Order;
                                                       Description=This is where the PO doc type goesfds ffdsafdsafdsafds }

    Unfortunately the NAV text file format is pretty rigid and you should be careful when editing it so that you don't corrupt things. I would recommend that you be very careful when editing properties in text.
    Jeff Landeen - Sr. Consultant
    Epimatic Corp.

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