Hello, I want to do in a report an easy calc. I've "Posting Date" field from "Purch. Rcpt. Header" and "Confirmation Date" field from "Purch. Rcpt. Line" table. I want to calc the days between a date and the other. I put:
IF ("Purch. Rcpt. Header"."Posting Date"<>0D)
AND ("Confirmation Date"<>0D)THEN
calc2:=CALCDATE("Confirmation Date","Purch. Rcpt. Header"."Posting Date");
calc2 is a Date variable.
It runs well but, in several cases, it appers an error on run the report that says:
"The Content .... from CALCDATE parameter number 1 is invalid"
In dots appears a date, depends of the filter. I suppose that intent to do the operation but there are assumtions that can't calculate. I've try to put several conditions like "if this case is <>0D show 0" and thinks like that, but always appers the same error. Does anybody knows what can be the problem?.
Thanks in advance.
Object Manager
Thanks for your help.
Object Manager