
Take/Place relationship

nz.craignz.craig Member Posts: 5
Hi - just wondering if someone can help me identify some way of taking a Take line in a warehouse document such as a Pick, and finding the related Place line(s), or taking a Place line and finding the related Take line(s).

There is no direct link but there must be somewhere in the system an example of standard code which does this....surely... :?



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    ShedmanShedman Member Posts: 194
    First thing coming to my mind is the "Attached to Line No." field, but I can't remember if it was an add-on field or not ... don't have NAV on my machine here ...
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    bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    How about "Whse. Document Type", "Whse. Document No.", "Whse. Document Line No."?
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
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    nz.craignz.craig Member Posts: 5
    bbrown wrote:
    How about "Whse. Document Type", "Whse. Document No.", "Whse. Document Line No."?

    Thanks, that sounds promising (or what about "Source Type","Source Subtype","Source Line No.","Source Subline No."?)

    Using either of these options, could I still not end up in the situation where even though I have one whse document line that due to lack of stock in one bin or one lot that this could be picked from two bins, or two lots, so I could still end up with two takes and two places and not know for sure which one belongs to which one?

    I suppose I could go further and match "Whse. Document Type", "Whse. Document No.", "Whse. Document Line No.","Zone Code","Bin Code","Lot No." - it is important though that I am 100% confident that I have the correct lines.

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    MBergerMBerger Member Posts: 413
    I once had this same problem, and solved it by adding an extra field to the warehouse activity line, and grouping the take and place lines into "sets" by making some changes in CU7312, setting the "setno." to the "line no." of the original document.
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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    Hi Craig,

    I think you are chasing unicorns here :mrgreen:

    Basically there is no 1:1 link between take and place. The take is generated by working out how many items you need and where they will be picked from. But this does not then link to the place. This is a principle that Navision uses a lot (Shipment vs Invoice, etc) where there is commonality, but no direct relationship.

    To make a 1:1 link you would need to force every take to be generated exactly to match on place, and then you would lose the benefits of consolidated picking.
    David Singleton
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    SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    Or you use standard Database normalization.
    When you encounter a many to many relation you can always add a table with
    as many fields as the primary key of take and the primary key of place.
    Every field belongs to the primary key.
    And you can add as many "place"-actions to 1 take and vice versa
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