
Inventory Cost

ravi_navisionravi_navision Member Posts: 102

Can you please clarify me this?

Database: 5.0SP1 (native) with Kit Add-on
Inventory Setup: Automatic Cost Posting – CHECKED
Expected Cost Posting - UNCHECKED

Costing Method is Standard.
Inventory is >0, but Inventory Cost is in –ve.

My test results- Received the PO, ran the batch jobs (Adjust Cost Item Entries & Post Inventory Cost to G/L), no change in the Inventory Cost. Invoiced the PO, now it updated

Operations Manager says, usually it should be updated at the time of receiving, is it?


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    B3nzB3nz Member Posts: 37
    Expected Cost Posting - UNCHECKED

    My test results- Received the PO, ran the batch jobs (Adjust Cost Item Entries & Post Inventory Cost to G/L), no change in the Inventory Cost. Invoiced the PO, now it updated

    Operations Manager says, usually it should be updated at the time of receiving, is it?

    Hi, what exactly do you mean by should be update at the time of receiving? the G/L? last direct cost?
    if you're talking about the G/L, since your expected cost posting is unchecked, i think it's correct that the system update it after you post the invoice.
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    ravi_navisionravi_navision Member Posts: 102
    B3nz wrote:
    Hi, what exactly do you mean by should be update at the time of receiving? the G/L? last direct cost?
    if you're talking about the G/L, since your expected cost posting is unchecked, i think it's correct that the system update it after you post the invoice.

    Yes, I meant G/L. Okay, If Expectd Cost Posting – UNCHECKED is the problem then how could I correct the existing Inventory Cost (If invoicing is not an option), before turning into checked

    Passing JV would be another solution
    It seems that I need to discuss with client before thinking about best solution.
    Thanks for your input
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    AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    The cost will be seen in the valuation report only.

    If you want the "expected" cost, so prior invoice ledger entries into GRNI and GSNI accounts then you need to implement expected costing - not difficult and will probably give the client what they want by teh sound of it.

    Is there a reason expected costing is not on?
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
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