
NAV over DS3 WAN connection?

FishermanFisherman Member Posts: 456
When we originally implemented NAV, we ran into issues running the NAV client over our existing Point-to-point DS1 (T1) connections. We quickly determined that it wasn't a great idea, and so we switched modes and implemented NAV on terminal services.

We're looking at restructuring our network, and one of the things being considered is an upgrade from DS1s (1.544 Mbps) to DS3s (45 Mbps), and we're wondering how NAV might perform as a locally-installed app with those speeds.

Obviously I can set up a private subnet and throttle it back to try to estimate how NAV might perform, but I thought I'd check here and see if anyone has had experience with it.


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    garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    edited 2009-06-26
    Mhm, i never test it with a T3 (DS3) connection. All my customers use TS like MS TErminalService or Citrix where the Database Server isn't in the same area (like in a other county/country) where the user has his office.

    Also doen't forgett, with TS only the Keystrokes and the screen informations will be send and noth the whole datas like on direkt connection. And what is, if your provider has some problems or you have networkprobs because big down/uploads or what else or your have, becasue T3 is break down, only ISDN (64kbit or 128k) Power. With TS no problem, the user can work. Maybe u must there change the TS resolution but the user can work and the system doesn't hang .....

    So, thats the reason why i would use TS. OK, you can became than some other probs like direkt mail integration .... but thats a other point ......
    Do you make it right, it works too!
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    DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    You can have a 6000GB line in and out of your office, but one salesperson sitting at McDonalds, riding the nextdoor Starbucks' wifi connection, running a sales report, can bring your entire NAV system down. The only way to guarantee a fast working NAV system is to keep all the working bits on the inside.

    And yes, that still applies to the NAV2009 RTC as well.
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    FishermanFisherman Member Posts: 456
    Thanks for the answers, guys.

    We were curious because our internal network at HQ is all 100 Mbps, and NAV runs over that network with no problem, so we were wondering if there was a breakpoint in bandwidth where it performs well.

    Guess it's time to test.
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    jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 999
    Yes i did a similiar test back in 2006 with mobile broadband systems pluged into laptop.

    Tried all configures but the result was the network of connection for 3gs was just to crap espically if you were in a builkding
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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Do not forget that bandwidth is only one part of the "problem". Second is Latency...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    jlandeenjlandeen Member Posts: 524
    One additional thought on a Citrix/TS based solution vs. local PC based solution is maintenance. If there are any processes that use external components (like MS Office or custom built COM control) you have to make sure that all of the computers running the dependant process in NAV have the controls or the right version of office that the solution is compiled for.

    Example - you have a custom PDF process for some sales reports which 20 users require. This requires a PDF engine (i.e. automation control) and a codeunit that manages that control in NAV. If you were running with TS you may have a few TS machines that you have to install and maintain the PDF control on vs. having to worry about 20 different laptop/desktop machines. Also it tends to be easier to maintain TS and other server machines as those (normally) are in a more controlled/centralized environment, whereas desktops and laptops tend to migrate and can require a lot more running around to maintain.
    Jeff Landeen - Sr. Consultant
    Epimatic Corp.

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