
Issue with hotkeys

asmilie2basmilie2b Member Posts: 122
We have just had a country of our firm go live on 5.1 of Navision in Japan.
We have an interesting phenomenon. Since changing from the version using previously (4.0, no service pack), to the new 5.1, when entering a hotkey for a date on an order or any field of type date when the letter "t" is entered it no longer replaces with today's date. Instead, "t" will now change to the date of teusday of the week. If "w" is entered, which would replace with the working date, it will now change to the date of wednesday of the current week. If "th" is entered it will give Thursday's date. Although it sounds mightly flexible, it is quite to the annoyance of the team, that just wants to enter the letter "t" to get todays date.

Would this be an issue with the 5.1 client, or perhaps the STX file?
Any ideas appreciated.


Bruce Anderson
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