GST Sales Tax / Provincial Tax

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

One of our customers needs to calculate GST (Canadian Goods Sales Tax) as well as QST (Quebec Sales Tax) for their Canadian customers invoices. GST is calculated on the value of the goods, and QST is calculated on the value of goods + GST. They have the GB version of Navision and are using version 4.0 SP1. I see in the VAT Posting Setup screen there is the 'VAT Calculation Type' field that has the option 'Sales Tax' but I'm unsure of how this can help, if at all, and if so how to set it up.

Any advice on this greatly appreciated.



  • dimusdimus Member Posts: 24

    There should be separate setups for Sales Tax. VAT posting setup has to have a blank line with the type Sale Tax though.
    The best way is to restore Cronus company for North American localization and review the setups. It has good examples for US and Canada (including GST, PST and QST). QST is a tax on tax, so the test company shows how to set it up as well.

    Hope it helps.
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