
Additional Charges to an Imported Item

sriram_venkatsriram_venkat Member Posts: 129

The situation is that i am importing a vehicle from a vendor at X Cost. But after the vehicle comes to my warehouse, i am doing value additions like repainting, fixing some additional parts etc within the warehouse using my resources (I am not subcontracting to outside vendor). I want these additional costs to go into the cost of the vehicle so that i can correctly fix my sales price. How do i do it?

Please let me know



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    AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Load a production order for the finished goods. The BOM will consist of the unfinished car you have and any additional parts. The routing to apply teh value add parts captures the labour element.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
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    gsiracusagsiracusa Member Posts: 26
    you can use the Bills of materials

    You can create a new card item, from item card, item, assembly list, bills of materials.

    Later, You create the components of the bills of materials (item and resource).

    When you want to produce a BOM, it must be entered in and posted from a BOM journal. The program automatically makes a negative adjustment to inventory for the items that are included in the BOM and a positive adjustment for the BOM.

    Best Regards
    Giovanni Siracusa

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    sriram_venkatsriram_venkat Member Posts: 129
    If i use BOM, then i need to create 2 Vehicle codes (For the same item) right? one code during Imports and One for using in BOM and Production order. NAV threw me an error when i try to attach a BOM on which the same item code was used as a child.

    Please let me know how to handle in single item code.
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    gsiracusagsiracusa Member Posts: 26
    if your item is already a bom production

    you have to create a new bom production

    Bom 1 = Purchase item
    Comp1 = additional parts 1
    Comp2 = additional parts 2

    You can build
    Bom Production
    Bom2 = Bom1 + Comp1 + Comp2
    Giovanni Siracusa

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    AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    If i use BOM, then i need to create 2 Vehicle codes (For the same item) right? one code during Imports and One for using in BOM and Production order. quote]

    Wrong, irrelvant to NAV fundamentally they are not the same item, otherwise you would buy it and sell it at a markup.

    By adding value you are turning the raw material into something else. This is true even if you add a label onto something.

    Whether when you apply this to a system you "need" different item numbers is a different argument, but you do in my opinion.

    Adding the item into its own BOM creates a circular reference, so no you cannot do this, to make one you would need one, which would mean you need to make one which means you need one . . . . . . .
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
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    sriram_venkatsriram_venkat Member Posts: 129
    Hi adam

    Thanks for the reply.

    Assuming that my other division does this job for me and they give invoice at a later stage. Before that i had sold this item with X price. Now when i receive the Invoice from my other division, i want this cost to go into this sold item so that my profitability (For the sold item) is correct.

    Is there anyway i can do it?
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    AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Difficult to answer this without knowing all the inputs, however you should look at processing an item (charge) item and assigning it to the product.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
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