
Production Schedule

alien251alien251 Member Posts: 80
How can I change the increment for production job scheduling? It currently displays in hour increments but my company needs to schedule to the minute. Can this be done?




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    kapil4dynamicskapil4dynamics Member Posts: 591
    Ur ques is not very specific, r u talking about 'Load timings" u want to modify. If u want that for "in minutes" u will have to change UOM on work center. But it will let u change only if u have that work center free as of now means no load at present on any Production Order exception Simulated and Finished.

    After changing the UOM it shud, but correct me if i got ur question wrong ?

    <Edit> R u talking about Production Schedule chart ? If yes then i think you shud contact ur partner for this, as i think some technical stuff may be required.
    Kapil Khanna
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