
VAT Rounding

nostrannostran Member Posts: 106
Hi there,

I need to get the VAT rounded to the nearest 1.00. I have set the field "VAT Rounding Type" to UP on the general ledger setup. I have set the VAT difference to 1.00 and activated "allow vat difference" on the sales & receivable setup.

When processing a sales invoice for an amount of 310 with a vat rate of 10%. It is calculating the vat as 3.1 whereas I want it to be 4.

any idea? [-o<


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    SumitSumit Member Posts: 58
    Please try, In General Ledger Set up/Tax Information Tab,Set vat Rounding Precision as 1 & Rounding type Up.
    But, rounding Precision to 1 is not advisable.
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