Sales Shipment Line Locked

miganggarrodmiganggarrod Member Posts: 7
Hello everyone

We are working with Navision 3.70 on SQL Server 2000

Sometimes (not always) crashes Table Sales Shipment Line simply open from Object Design of filters using field (F7).

Analyzing note from SQL:

sp_who2 51

51 sleeping ... 51 mail020208 EXECUTE 7265 85742 06/24 12:35:38 Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision client 51

sp_lock 51

51 8 0 0 DB S GRANT
51 8 1610488816 0 TAB Sch-S GRANT

select * from sysobjects where id = 1610488816

... $Sales Shipment Line U 1610488816 ...

It is simply to optimize the keys?

The properties are MaintainSQLIndex and MaintainSIFTIndex with their default values: Yes

Someone has had similar problems?

Excuse my English


  • TonyHTonyH Member Posts: 223
    There is a lot of articles on the net about SQL Scripts you can run to re-optimize keys.

    And the Sales Shipment Line table is defiantly by its nature a table that could become fragmented.

    However the DBMS would not deadlock "yourself" out due to a key being fragmented, more likely custom code, or you are using a really bad filter on a poor index and the screen is not deadlocking but appears to hang as the cursors go crazy and SQL Server goes into overdrive....

  • miganggarrodmiganggarrod Member Posts: 7
    I have verified that it is updating the table statistics Sales Shipment Line.

    When run from Query Analyzer to compare with other similar tables the date of last update of the statistics

    DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ([xx $ Capacity Ledger Entry], [$ 1]) with STAT_HEADER
    DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ([xx $ Sales Invoice Header], [$ 1]) with STAT_HEADER
    DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ([xx $ Sales Invoice Line], [$ 1]) with STAT_HEADER
    DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ([xx $ Sales Header], [$ 1]) with STAT_HEADER
    DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ([xx $ Sales Line], [$ 1]) with STAT_HEADER
    DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ([xx $ Sales Shipment Header], [$ 1]) with STAT_HEADER
    DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ([xx $ Sales Shipment Line], [$ 1]) with STAT_HEADER

    I have found that update date of this table is old

    It is simply to update the statistics in this table with more frequency
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