
Limit on the number of code chars per line

alien251alien251 Member Posts: 80
I'm trying to use the STRSUBSTNO function to replace around 10 fields in an html formatted string. How can I get around the 132 chars per line limitation in the C/AL editor?




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    DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    MyString := 'Some text with parameter %1' +
      'some more text with parameter %2'; // you can extend this to more lines if you want, and more parameters
    NewString := STRSUBSTNO(MyString,'one',
      'two'); //also across multiple lines if you want
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    BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    DenSter wrote:
    MyString := 'Some text with parameter %1' +
    'some more text with parameter %2'; // you can extend this to more lines if you want, and more parameters
    NewString := STRSUBSTNO(MyString,'one',
    'two'); //also across multiple lines if you want

    AKA: "Do a carriage return" 8)
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    alien251alien251 Member Posts: 80
    Thank you! :D
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