
where to get Original Amount?

selece28selece28 Member Posts: 316
Hi Nav Masters,

I just want to ask something, is there anyone ever encounter a client who want to see original amount of a Journal (G/L Entry)?
Few of my client ask about them, and i don't know what is the correct answer to give them.
Why is it until Nav 5.1 still no "Original Amount" in G/L Entry table.
Is there anyway to answer why NAV don't have it until now?

Please advice,
Thanks in advance



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    garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    What do you mean with " "Original Amount" in G/L Entry table " :?:
    Do you make it right, it works too!
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    jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 999
    Well even NAV 2009 doesn't have this field called "original amount"

    I imagine the reason there is no original amount field is because of the transactional nature of accounting for the gL ledger.

    Each affect on a GL account should be its own seperate entry so the total balance of the account can be affected otherwise a new subledger to the GL would be need similiar to the ILE VLE table.

    If a client wants to see a original entry and subsequent entries that have affected this EG Sales invoices have goods returned and credit note sent. Then they should look at the CLE or GL entries with an appropriate filter EG doc or Cust NO.
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    selece28selece28 Member Posts: 316
    Hi garak and jannestig,

    Thanks for the fast reply.
    What i mean with Original Amount is the original currency amount.
    Example i make a journal with USD, but my LCY is SGD, so NAV will only keep LCY amount in GL Entry, so when my customer ask why don't have Original Amount in GL Entry i don't know how to answer them to make them understand.
    Because its annoying they always compare with other system that they said have this field.
    I'm a technical so i know i can get from CLE, VLE, or BALE for some transactions.

    But if the Journal is G/L Account Type and the Balance is also G/L Account Type then i don't know.
    Maybe should mod the G/L Entry table to add a field called "Original Amount"

    Any comments / suggestions?

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    jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 999
    Well as you have said you can view the FX amount for some transactions through the appropriate ledger with the currency code
    shown. What it sounds like you want is the additional reporting currency field to be activated however this will only work with one currency so unless the USD was the currency you used for GL FX postings the most this option may not suit you.

    You can probably look to change your processes as well to so that a payment is credited against the correct customer / vendor by using a correct journal instead of the GL journal to directly enter different amounts to different accounts.

    Also that amount you entered in USD is entered as LCY to show what that amount was worth at time of posting as amount may change in 2 days time due to exchange rates fluctations.
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    DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    You can use the "Additional reporting currency" feature so that you can get the Additional currenty amount populated in G/L entry.
    The limitation is that you can only use one additional currency.

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    FLPFLP Member Posts: 9
    If you have bank accounts in different currencies and want to keep track on the bank acccount in the original currency you can use the module bank account i NAV. When you have set up the bank account in the bank module you can make postings in general journal using bank instead of finance in balance account type and choose the bank account instead of the G/L bank account. Thereby you get bank ledger entries in the original currency and G/L entries in LCY and in additional currency (if you are using this).
    Finn Landgreen-P
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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    selece28 wrote:
    Any comments / suggestions?

    Firstly this has nothing to do with Additional Reporting Currency, so don't look further at that.

    The correct solution here is to train your users. If the client keeps asking you to modify their system to do what the old system used to do, then you need to ask "Why Are You Buying A New System?" better is just to go back to the old system.

    Don't get me wrong, there are valid reasons to modify Navision to do something differently from how it does it out of the box, but these need to be valid business reasons. The old story "but our old system did it this way...." is NEVER a reason to start writing code.
    David Singleton
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    ayhan06ayhan06 Member Posts: 210
    this is a general requirement in Turkey.(one of my client makes at least 50 percent of G/L transactions in foreign currency)

    Turkish localization has feature you ask. if you are partner,you can download it from partnersource.
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    jgudmundssonjgudmundsson Member Posts: 13
    That's interesting. Does it keep the original amount of the document for FX adjustment G/L Entries as well?

    I would assume having the original amount is a way to double check if the system is posting at a correct exchange rate. But when it posts FX adjustments if the currency changes, or was changed... how does it handle that? And how do you factor that into the double checking of the G/L ledger?

    Best thing to do is to ask the user why he/she needs it, and possibly find a better way in NAV. NAV usually has more options than other systems, whether it's a small mod or out of the box.
    iNECTA LLC (a Dynamics NAV Implementation Partner)
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    selece28selece28 Member Posts: 316
    Hi All,

    Thank you for the replies.
    @David : nice answer man, i agree with you, I'm sick of my client always compare NAV to their old system every time they cannot do a little thing that they usually do in their old system. Sometimes I want to tell them, "then just pay the rest of our money and use your old system", but cannot because as consultant and professional we have to watch what we say, hehehe :)

    @ayhan06 : thank for the information, i am a partner, i will check this localization.

    Anyway, Thank You all for the great suggestions and comments

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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    selece28 wrote:
    Hi All,

    Thank you for the replies.
    @David : nice answer man, i agree with you, I'm sick of my client always compare NAV to their old system every time they cannot do a little thing that they usually do in their old system. Sometimes I want to tell them, "then just pay the rest of our money and use your old system", but cannot because as consultant and professional we have to watch what we say, hehehe :)

    @ayhan06 : thank for the information, i am a partner, i will check this localization.

    Anyway, Thank You all for the great suggestions and comments

    :mrgreen: Just remember, "Never Let The Camel Get Its Nose In The Tent".
    David Singleton
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