My client want a report where by he wants to see total payment given to each vendor in a month in single report , Is there any default report or can that be done in accounting schedule.
Cust Payment
Cust A 10000
Cust B 5000
Cust c 7000
Total Payment 22000
Similary for vendor also.
If any one could help it would be of great help.
Payment field displays the total amount that has been paid to this vendor. If you invoice a vendor in more than one currency, you should use Payments (LCY) field.
But oh my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light
Set Date Filter For the Month You Want
Under the Vendor Ledger Entry Tab set Document Type = Payment
The simplest way to do this on a form level is to design the vendor list / customer list forms to show Payments (LCY) field, and use the datefilter in field filters to limit for a particular month. Then you can export to excel using copy paste or the stylesheet buttons, and sort there if you are interested in who you are paying or collecting from the most.