Problem in Payment Journal

matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
Doing a standard payment on an invoice. The checks print, check ledger entries are made. They apply to invoices, but those invoices remain open and no vendor ledger entries are created. No check lines are inserted into the payment journal, but the checks are marked as printed.

Setup option I missed somewhere? Figure it has to be pretty basic. Thanks.


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Printed & Posted or Just Printed?
  • SD-JRSD-JR Member Posts: 94

    Few more obvious questions;
    The cheque ledger entry status - is this printed or test print?
    Def no filters set on the payment journal?
    When you go to print the cheque (check) - just ensure the Batch template and batch name are the same as the batch you are viewing (report 1401).

    Also the application can be a problem is you have not set the journal line type as payment for the line you are trying to post.

    Simply Dynamics Ltd
    skype: gf.simplydynamics
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Yeah, not setting the document type to payment can be a real bee-atch
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Savatage wrote:
    Printed & Posted or Just Printed?

    Just printed
    SD-JR wrote:
    The cheque ledger entry status - is this printed or test print?
    Def no filters set on the payment journal?
    When you go to print the cheque (check) - just ensure the Batch template and batch name are the same as the batch you are viewing (report 1401).

    Check Ledger Entry Status is Printed
    Already checked for filters, none are on
    Batch and Template are correct when printing
    Line type is payment

    Everything about the actual check is correct. Has the right number and the ledger entries look right. Balanced with the right bank account. It just didn't apply it to the invoice and didn't create check lines in the payment journal. *Confusing*

    Could have the void and reprint, but don't think it will fix the problem. And don't want them to have to manually adjust the vendor's balance.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    I was always under the impression that my vendor ledger entries remained open until I posted the checks :-k
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Savatage wrote:
    I was always under the impression that my vendor ledger entries remained open until I posted the checks

    Probably true, it's been a long time since I went through a check run. Fact still remains, the check lines were not generated in the payment journal. Usually for each check it will add a line. I don't know the purpose of those lines, to be honest, just know that they get generated and then AP posts the batch. This is 5.0 SP1 by the way, in case it matters.
  • jgudmundssonjgudmundsson Member Posts: 13
    You might find the answer in the summarize per vendor check box on the suggest vendor payments. Try running it in test mode with it on and then off. You will see that the applications are either done straight in the journal, or each line is applied to the invoices with in a subtable. I.e. if you go to Functions | Apply Entries... If you use the former format, then when you print the checks the check line is added as a separate line to balance out the invoices paid. If you use the latter, no line is created. It is up to the users discretion which one of the two he/she wants to use.

    In your case, it sounds like the user might have used the incorrect Bank Payment Type. If it is not set to Computer Check, then it will not create a check ledger entry, in the Bank Account Ledgers. In addition, they must not have applied the payment to invoices. You can have the user manually apply in the vendor ledger to fix that.

    If the check printed and it did not show up in the Check Ledger, then you have a bug. Navision is set to record all checks, printed in the check ledger, whether printed, voided, reprinted etc.
    iNECTA LLC (a Dynamics NAV Implementation Partner)
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