
Check if Item exists.

elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
edited 2004-08-16 in Navision Financials

i try make a Report based on the Table "Item Journal Line".

When I Get the List from this Table appears Items that are not existing in the Inventory Table.

Now i would print out a list for this Items that are not located in Inventory Table. But i don't now exactly in what trigger i must put my code.

I have try put follow code:
IF ItemCheck.GET("Itemnr.") = FALSE THEN

In the OnPreSection Trigger. But this dont seem like to work because all Items of the Item Journal Table Line will be listed.

Cann say me anyone please in what Trigger i put this simnple code so that it outputs the items that are not in Inventory?



EDIT: Now I Have it. The ONPreSection Trigger yet was okay, but not my if statement. No i have used:
CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(ItemCheck.GET("Itemnr.") = FALSE);

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