Different Values between Item ledger Entries and Value Entry

Martin_FörsterMartin_Förster Member Posts: 55
Salute togehter,

one of my customers has got a strainght behavior in the Cost Adjustment and i really don't KNow what to do :-(

Maybe somebody can help me..

One Example is show in the attachment.

In this case the Customer sales 25 Pcs. (Shipping&Invoicing), If you look into the Value Entires, it seems that this transaction create an Invoice of 50 Pcs????

Under the first Line (Ledger Entry Item) is an second Entry which looks like an cancellation...

I will be very happy if somebody understand my problem.



PS: Sorry my english is a bit rusty :-)


  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    what version of NAV are you on 4 or 5?
  • Martin_FörsterMartin_Förster Member Posts: 55
    Version 3.70A :-(
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    It looks like somebody changed the UOM on the sales line through code or this is a modification.
    I suggest to fix the data and move on. I suggest to also write a report to see if there are others, if they are then it's a coding mistake, add some code to cu 22 to catch it and prevent future entries from occurring.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 923
    I had a similar issue once due to an upgrade. The inventory value was totally screwed up due to an non-upgradeable item costing addon used in 2.x. A two-year old phys. inventory was then used as the new starting point , and all item ledger entries were reposted using item journals. This worked well to fix the inventory value, but there were some orders that had been shipped but not yet invoiced. When these were invoiced lated, the invoiced qty. was twice the qty in the item ledger entries.
    PS: Sorry my english is a bit rusty :-)
    Take a look here : http://www.msdynamics.de :wink:
    Kai Kowalewski
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