Hi all
I have some strage behaviour happing on 2 of the standard reports in RTC.
If I run either the Income statement or the Balance sheet report I get a number of pages with just header information before I start getting the actual data. It appears that for every page of data i will get a blank page. Originally I though it maybe a page width or wrapping issue but we have tried making the report narrower but this hasn't resolved the issue. In classic it all works fine, no preceeding blank pages are produced so it appears to be an issue with the way the data is being handed to the RS report or in the report itself.
Has anyone come accross this, and hopefully found a fix
Could you share the ID's for these 2 reports?
I'm blogging here:http://mibuso.com/blogs/clausl and used to blog here: http://blogs.msdn.com/nav
I'm also offering RDLC Report Training, ping me if you are interested. Thanks to the 700 NAV developers that have now already been at my training. You know you can always call if you have any RDLC report issues :-)
They are 28024 Balance Sheet and 28025 Income Statement. Both are part of the Aisa Pac localisation by the looks of it.
I got the reports now, but unfortunately I'm not able to repro this. No preceeding blank pages are produced.
Would you be able provide me with exact repro steps.
I'm blogging here:http://mibuso.com/blogs/clausl and used to blog here: http://blogs.msdn.com/nav
I'm also offering RDLC Report Training, ping me if you are interested. Thanks to the 700 NAV developers that have now already been at my training. You know you can always call if you have any RDLC report issues :-)
I had a similar issue where by I had expanded my work area (the white space to place controls) so much that I was getting blank pages. Once I reduced it back to 8.5 x 11 they disappeared.
Just a suggestion from quick browsing.
That was our inital thought however we cut the page right down, adjusted the page sizes in the properties so it was smaller than A4 and collapsed all the white space and it was still doing it. Its all a bit strange really.
A4..... People look at me oddly when I ask for that..... don't you mean 8.5 by 11 they say... :-)
Hope you find a resolution.