Set Filter

elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
edited 2004-11-25 in Navision Financials

i have a lot of items ...

if i set a Filter on the ItemNo. Field i get all the items that are init with the chars who i search. e.g.:

I Set Filter to ItemNo.: AR*

This get all the ItemNo with AR*

What must i do if i would list all the Items that are not init by AR*.

i have try

ItemNo <>AR*

But this doen't seem to work.

Have anybody a tip for me ?

In the Filter/Serach Doku and Book i can't find property for make this.



  • facadefacade Member Posts: 57
    Works in Navision 3.70 + SQL version but yes unfortunately not in native and previous versions.
  • AsallaiAsallai Member Posts: 141
    elTorito wrote:

    i have a lot of items ...

    if i set a Filter on the ItemNo. Field i get all the items that are init with the chars who i search. e.g.:

    I Set Filter to ItemNo.: AR*

    This get all the ItemNo with AR*

    What must i do if i would list all the Items that are not init by AR*.

    i have try

    ItemNo <>AR*

    But this doen't seem to work.

    Have anybody a tip for me ?

    In the Filter/Serach Doku and Book i can't find property for make this.



    Try this:
  • SteveOSteveO Member Posts: 164
    SETFILTER(ItemNo, '<%1|>%2|%3', 'AR’,’AR*','');

    Hasn't failed me yet...
    This isn't a signature, I type this at the bottom of every message
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