
What license is used by Nas-User

vanrofivanrofi Member Posts: 272
Hi All,

I run in a strange error. I have setup a report to be ran by the Job queue and I get an error that the NAS-user is not allowed to run the report (in Jobqueue Log)
The nasuser is known as a super-user, and when I run the report myself with our company license, which is uploaded into the SQL database, I get no error.

It seems that the NAS is using a different license but I don't know how to find out?

thx for any tip.


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    pduckpduck Member Posts: 147
    Hi, are you sure that the NAS is running with your license? Is their any other license file in the NAS directory?
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    krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,098
    If it is a message that arrives in the job queue as message because it has not run, then it is probably because the jobqueue tests if the user has permissions to run it. Codeunit 449:"Job Queue Start Codeunit" does this check.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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