Hello All
One other question I have, is with reference to a flowfield in a table that is being used to sum entries in the item ledger table.
I have successfully applied criteria in the table filter to just sum those entries that are of entry type sale.
However, I also want to narrow the sum, by only including sale entries for the last 12 months. I have tried numerous date calculations within the table filter of the calcformula but still have had no success.
Any ideas?
Is this the correct approach?
Instead of doing a calculation, try using a date range, like 081203..081204
This might be easier to get working.
I can get this working by inputting static dates but I need them to be dynamic so I can always retrieve the data for the last 12 months.
Anyone got any ideas?
However.. You might create a workaround by creating a datefilter field that you set dynamically upon opening the form that displays your flowfield and include this field in the calcformula of your flowfield.
I haven't tested any of this it is just a suggestion that I think might work.
Good luck!
I have a little experience
make an edit (Edit1) in Form that browses your table with Source Exp
SourceExp1 (describe it in globals);
on open form calculate value from Item Ledger Entry
in trigger OnDrillDown of Edit1 insert code
Hope it helps
Thanks for all your help it is much appreciated.
I have actually kept the flowfilter and added a condition where the posting data is equal to date filter within the item table.
Within the form, I have used SETRANGE and calculated the dates for Date filter and this now works.
HOWEVER, the flowfield will obviously mean that the lookup on the item card for the new field will open all entries that have been filtered.
Is it possible for me to just calculate the quantity and have the lookup feature to open another form?
Thanks again
On Form Control properties LookupFormID