
Lanham User Security Setup

couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317

I need help on using Lanham User Security Setup.

1. Customer has multiple sales persons doing bsiness from defferent territory.
2. Each salesperson has his/her own "SM Territory Code" and was updated to sales order, but not on sales lines.
3. We had a form to show sales lines and it is using lanham user security setup program to do the security filter.

So here is the question: How to make the filter first filter the sales order on "SM Territory Code" then only show the lines for a salesperson?

I use both S36 and S37 table in SetSecurity function and first SetFieldFilters on "Sales Header" then SETRANGE("Sales Line"."Document No.","Sales Header"."No.") and then SetFieldFilter on "Sales Lines" with no luck!



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    couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    OOPS! :oops:

    I screwed up!

    I need to do the setrange beforecaling the form.
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