
Navision is Running Very Slow

kaybeekaybee Member Posts: 49
Hi, I'm running Navision 3.70. Over the past few months, it has been running very, very slow. I'm getting numerous locks in SQL server more and more often - doesn't seem to release as quickly? A maximum of 81 sessions are able to log on to Navision to access the data. My database information is as follows:
Database Used (KB): 56,598,080 (97%)
Database Size (KB): 58,579,200
Object Cache (KB): 32000

If I run the "Optimize" function in Navision on some of my larger tables, will this help? I have a very large database.


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    davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    You should post this in the SQL performance section.

    You should also provide more information. With 3.7, I assume you are running SQL Server 2000.
    What is the hardware and memory config. 32 or 64 bit. Server OS for SQL Server.
    Are your users on a local high speed network or coming in via terminal server?
    If you have a terminal server - how many users? And have you checked whether it is a bottlenexk?
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    ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Please search the forum there are many threads on this subject.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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    kaybeekaybee Member Posts: 49
    I have provided a lot more information in the following thread as suggested.

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    couberpucouberpu Member Posts: 317
    Do you using any tuning program?

    I had similar problem several years ago with NAV 3.70b, SQL 2000. I posted a request online and David found me. He first suggested to urn SQL update statistic utility and it fixed most of locking issues. Then he suggested a NAV-SQL Tuning program, hynek@sqlperform.com, and my system has been stable since.
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