
How to remove one char from whole dataport?

chrisxx83chrisxx83 Member Posts: 54
when I make dataport, I would like to remove " sign from whole txt file.
Is it possible?


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    jorgebragajorgebraga Member Posts: 25
    You can use a replace after the TXT is generated. Do it with notepad.

    You can always reopen the file and replace it by code.

    You can also use OnAfterFormatField Trigger do do post processing on the text retrieved from the field.

    But please explain you problem better.

    Hope this helps!
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    matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Use DELCHR on every field you are exporting. In the OnBeforeExport trigger add:

    Field := DELCHR(Field, '=', '"');
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    SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Assuming that you have " in your data and also assuming your FieldStartDelimeter and FieldEndDelimiter are " that it throws the import off.

    Perhaps changing the delimeters to <None> will solve your problem (if of course this is the problem?)

    Also, as Mattrax has said for Exporting, if you are importing you should import the data into variables where you can use that code to clean up the field and map it back to its Nav field.
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