
Req. Wksh.-Make Order BUG?Update SalesOrder UnitCost Drop Sh

andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616
Good morning,

we have a strange situation in NAV 5.0. We don't know if it is a bug or a
wanted thing.

- create sales order with purchasing code - drop shipment
- purchase - planning - requisition worksheet line - drop shipment - get
sales order to have the sales order previously created
- change the unit cost on requisition line and then carry out action message.

The unit cost on Sales Order Line is not updated!!

If we make same steps but with Special Order instead of Drop Shipment the
Unit Cost on sales order line is updated.

I identify the probable zone of code that doesn't do that but I don't know
why it has been omitted/lost for Drop Shipment case.

This is the code in codeunit 333 - Req. Wksh.-Make Order - trigger :

InsertPurchOrderLine(VAR ReqLine2 : Record "Requisition Line";VAR
PurchOrderHeader : Record "Purchase Header")

IF PurchasingCode.GET("Purchasing Code") THEN
IF PurchasingCode."Special Order" THEN BEGIN
PurchOrderLine."Special Order Sales No." := "Sales Order No.";
PurchOrderLine."Special Order Sales Line No." := "Sales Order Line No.";
PurchOrderLine."Special Order" := TRUE;
PurchOrderLine."Drop Shipment" := FALSE;
PurchOrderLine."Sales Order No." := '';
PurchOrderLine."Sales Order Line No." := 0;
PurchOrderLine."Special Order" := TRUE;

and the function is UpdateUnitCost (that calls UpdateSalesCost) executed
only for Special Order.

Thank you


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    andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616
    Do you understand?
    Can somebody please help/explain that?

    Thank you
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    jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 999
    I thought the f1 help on unit cost field explained it fairly well
    "The unit cost represents the value the items have in the inventory"

    Since a drop shipment is a direct order for you vendor to drop off the goods themselves and it never comes into your own stock therefor this field won't get update by a dropshipment cost increase.

    For example the vendor says its delivered you post both orders as receieved /shipped you won't be able to accurately know the cost until you have the vendor invoice arrive. since the Vendor may bill you a special amount for delivery or drop shippment fee thats not a true reflection of how much this item costs your company to buy i can see why they have done this.

    I would say the idea is to wait for any vendor invoice with its one or many lines update the purchase invoice and sales invoice to reflect EG item or CL charge for delivery costs ETC.

    But basic reason is it doesn't come into stock I GUESS
    Welcome to be corrected :)
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