Wait till you find a system that has to support the whole concept of unders and Overs and provide proper accounting for them as well FUN
Not really. Now what REALLY is fun, is when the client says "Our previous partner implemented a system of overs and unders for us. We are about to start using Bins and Advanced warehouse management, their sales guy said that it would be just a quick mod to add Warehouse Management to the original mod, can you show us how this works"?
Witht heh standard you will need to reopen the PO amend and send back through the approval process.
But you can amend (develop) to allow the amendedment if say the QTY change is within a % tolerance but this needs to be developed.
Simply Dynamics Ltd
skype: gf.simplydynamics
Web: www.simplydynamics.ie
it's not to difficult to reopen the po & change the qty from 10 to 12
add a new line with qty 2
Not really. Now what REALLY is fun, is when the client says "Our previous partner implemented a system of overs and unders for us. We are about to start using Bins and Advanced warehouse management, their sales guy said that it would be just a quick mod to add Warehouse Management to the original mod, can you show us how this works"?
Now that is serious fun.
Except amend the purchase order for excess qty is there any alternative way ?
If amend the purchase order how can i know the what is the actual Purchase order qty ?