
Business Notification - someone has experience?

andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616
We have installed Navision 5.0 Business Notification following all steps of
setup present in documentation.

Our server is in production and the solution is not stable if we modify some scheme otherwise it works quite good.

We have a lot of problem when we try to stop, change or start the schemes
and the business notification server stops and also the page of subscription

The Notification Services are currently down, please try again later.

The only solution found is to reboot the server but it is not a solution
because the users are connected and we don't understand the cause.

Thank you


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    andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616
    The message that we have when we try to start or stop a schema, from Business
    Notification Client Manager is:

    "The program cannot connect to server XXX. The server might run under an
    account that is no longer valid or the Web configuration file might be
    Please contact your system administrator'

    If we try more times, modifying nothing, maybe it goes right but not always.

    Thank you very much
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    andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616
    We have more file Web.config under these folders:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\Business Notification\DeploymentServer
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\Business Notification\EndUserSubscription
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\Business Notification\MessageBus

    and they also are different files as content. Do they have to be identical?

    Thank you
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