
unapply the wrong transaction after posting

lallylally Member Posts: 323

How can i unapply the wrong transaction after posting a positive adjustment on transfer date and so on..

Please let me know the path.................


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    lallylally Member Posts: 323

    please let me know the path to reverse the inventory transaction in 2009.
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    lallylally Member Posts: 323
    Just throw some information on this regarding the path.........................
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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    How about throwing [sic] a proper question out there with some back ground details. Or are you asking someone here to simply post every chapter out of the help and manuals that relates to un-applying transactions?
    David Singleton
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    askingasking Member Posts: 37
    How about throwing [sic] a proper question out there with some back ground details. Or are you asking someone here to simply post every chapter out of the help and manuals that relates to un-applying transactions?

    Man if you don't want to answer don't answer, you know how much experience the person asking you the ques has , even i don't know that, but for sure you are working for more than 10 years. We know you are intelligent and will give good advice but many times i have seen here that newbies are almost scolded. That makes me feel bad, so bad that i had almost left visiting forums. Seniors in companies they don't give you straight answers, yeah i would agree it is wrong on some newbies part to not to go through the material.

    Don't do that, you never know it may break somebody's moral. I hope i didn't offend anybody.

    But all seniors be POLITE.
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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    asking wrote:
    Man if you don't want to answer don't answer, you know how much experience the person asking you the ques has , even i don't know that, but for sure you are working for more than 10 years. We know you are intelligent and will give good advice but many times i have seen here that newbies are almost scolded. That makes me feel bad, so bad that i had almost left visiting forums. Seniors in companies they don't give you straight answers, yeah i would agree it is wrong on some newbies part to not to go through the material.

    Don't do that, you never know it may break somebody's moral. I hope i didn't offend anybody.

    But all seniors be POLITE.

    Yes you are right, my remarks were over board, for that I do apologize.

    Your advise makes sense, and I guess we do need to just ignore these questions and stop answering. This is reaching breaking point right now. These questions are getting ridiculous, clearly a large number of questions are asked by people that are simply thrown by their company out to the wolves with no support what so ever, and simply told to ask on the forums.

    In this case, the poster has not asked a questions, simply made a request for training.

    A question would specifically say what the poster has already tried that did not work, and what the objectives are, not simply "show me the path". At least try something first, don't be lazy and expect the community to do work THAT YOU WILL GET PAID FOR. And that's a key issue here, many of these requests are form off shore development companies that are getting paid to do jobs that they are not qualified for and severely damaging the reputation of this whole product/industry in the process.

    BUT you are right, it was wrong of me to specifically reply like this to this one post.
    David Singleton
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    askingasking Member Posts: 37
    BUT you are right, it was wrong of me to specifically reply like this to this one post.

    This makes you more senior. I hope i did not offend you. :mrgreen:
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    byllebylle Member Posts: 47

    asking: I applause =D> your motto about being polite - but lally must also understand that this is a forum, where people voluntary uses their free time to answer questions - and he therefore must expect that it can take time to get an answer - especially when he has not described the problem where well. I think it’s a bit annoying when people keep asking for an answer, even though it’s a couple of days between.

    David: You are right - there has been a lot of "show me the path" posts lately... and I have just being ignoring them ;-)

    But let us get back to the question. I'm not quite sure about what you (lally) mean with "Inventory Transaction" - Can't you do reverse post?

    I know that you can do a reversing to the following postings:
    - General Ledger Entries
    - Customer Ledger Entries
    - Vendor Ledger Entries,
    - Bank Account Ledger Entries
    - FA Ledger Entries
    - Maintenance Ledger Entries
    - G/L Registers

    Just push F1 and search for "Reversing Journal Postings" - here it is described how to do it ;-)
    But... before changing anything - please take some training so that you know what you are doing!
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    DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    asking wrote:
    But all seniors be POLITE.
    You are wrong [-X

    First of all, there are no seniors in here, we are all equals. Seniors are people IN YOUR OWN COMPANY, up the hierarchy, with more experience that guide and mentor the juniors. It is painfully obvious that there are many people in here that are not getting any such support, and asking general questions about topics that they should be taught in one-on-one situations or in a class room. It is difficult not to get impatient with these general questions, because I know they are asked by people who don't know better. It is a crying shame that some hard working, well meaning people are the victim of companies that do not provide proper support, and that are taught that it is OK to pass certification exams just by memorizing the questions. But you are DEAD WRONG to demand that we answer all these general questions, and even more wrong to call anybody in here seniors =; . These forums are for specific questions, for help in specific areas. They are not anybody's personal tutoring service. Everybody in here volunteers their time, and it gets really old really fast when that time is not appreciated.

    Then about being polite.... man that is a two way street. It is getting to ridiculous proportions as to how demanding people can be, just the other day I was getting personal messages cussing me out in no uncertain terms because I would not just give them a pdf with everything about NAV development, and the complete works on implementation methodologies to help them get their NAV partner started, and all of that free of charge, because I am supposedly their senior?!?!?!? I don't think in this post anybody was not polite, all that I see is someone being frustrated at recognizing yet another person that doesn't know any better, and replying in kind to demands of attention. Is this frustration amplified by previous posts from other people? Perhaps. BUT, to be honest, I do not think it was all that unpolite, given at some of the crap that is flung around in here sometimes. The question itself was not asked very nicely, it was demanded, and repeatedly so. To get polite replies, questions must be asked politely ](*,)

    Personally I've started just ignoring these types of questions, and the day that I did that was a very sad day for me. What is more sad is that I have even started ignoring some of the crap answers that is given in here, because I don't feel that I can possibly make a difference. It is clear that many people won't even listen to reason, and will wait for the answer they've been waiting for anyway.

    Alright, rant over, I'm going back to my couch and read a good book :mrgreen:
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    askingasking Member Posts: 37
    What is more sad is that I have even started ignoring some of the crap answers that is given in here, because I don't feel that I can possibly make a difference.

    Dear Denster that is more sad than anything else. If somebody is giving wrong answers then it means he or she does not know the correct the answer. I think, "OK not senior", this is a experienced person's nice gesture to correct , if someone is wrong.

    Is this forum for middle experts who want to be super experts or for answering the super complicated questions for satisfaction of ego in sense "Look i know that". I know this sounds harsh, impolite and crap but even if i get banned from this forum and some people come here in reply to this and start banging me i have no issues. But mention it on introductory page of forum what somebody is supposed to ask and if question is too novice don't ask an expert please. Make a separate section and introduce that as "Meant for users and novice only".

    I sincerely apologize that i have dragged this issue too much which shouldn't have done at all.
    But don't just ignore this discussion by this way that some useless fellow is dragging this issue for no reason. Think about it and come up with some solution for these kind of questions.

    Once again i apologize to all the contributors of this forum as i did not mean any bad stuff for anybody. As it is known that people helping others out here are not getting any benefit out of all this activity "Which in itself is the greatest gesture".
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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    asking wrote:
    What is more sad is that I have even started ignoring some of the crap answers that is given in here, because I don't feel that I can possibly make a difference.

    Dear Denster that is more sad than anything else. If somebody is giving wrong answers then it means he or she does not know the correct the answer. I think, "OK not senior", this is a experienced person's nice gesture to correct , if someone is wrong.

    Why would we want to get into an argument to help someone do something the right way, and make enemies along the way. Look back at how many times "we" have tried to help and guide newbie to do the right thing, only be told "but my customer wants". So the developer (without any consultation with a business consultant) does it and wreaks havoc for the client.
    David Singleton
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