
Problem in Job Queue

NoelkillerNoelkiller Member Posts: 4
I have a problem with job queue.
I parameter a job with a user with full pemission and i receive this message : User administrateur has not been set up to be allowed to run Report 50015 - Blanket Order - Delete line.
Anyone can help me


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    davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    Look to see if the user listed in the log has permission to run the report
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    NoelkillerNoelkiller Member Posts: 4
    The user has the role SUPER for my test.
    When I run the report in Nav with the user who launch the job, it's works normal.
    Thank's for your help !
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    DuketownDuketown Member Posts: 11
    You need a specific user with specific rights to run the object.
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