
[HELP] Modify only works with SQL db_owner

xina_manxina_man Member Posts: 116
Hi there everyone!

I need to update a field on the item table and I'm using the code below on the OnRun() Trigger of a button placed in the item list form.
Window.OPEN(Text001 + '@1@@@@@@@@@@@@\');
TotalRecNo := Rec.COUNT;

itemTable.MODIFYALL("Qtd Calculo Necessidades", 0);

   Rec.VALIDATE("Qtd Calculo Necessidades", Inventory2);
   Window.UPDATE(1, ROUND(RecNo/TotalRecNo*10000,1));


My problem is that the code above only works if the user as the db_owner permision. Otherwise it doesn't update the required field.
I've given the premision to RMID for the Item Table, sinchronized the user and it doesn't work...
Is there any problem with my code? How can I solve this issue?

Thans in advance


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    DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    No you don't need db_owner to be able to modify data in tables. All that regular NAV users need on SQL Server is 'public', db_owner is only for users who need to make object changes. You need to make sure that the user has proper permissions through their role assignments.
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    slmaluwaslmaluwa Member Posts: 358
    Or, that Security is synchronized in NAV Client
    "A bove maiore discit arare minor"-"From the old ox, the young one learns to plow."
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    xina_manxina_man Member Posts: 116
    DenSter wrote:
    No you don't need db_owner to be able to modify data in tables. All that regular NAV users need on SQL Server is 'public', db_owner is only for users who need to make object changes. You need to make sure that the user has proper permissions through their role assignments.

    But the role is updated and the user is synchronized...

    I've given the SUPER role to the user, after that synchonized him and it still doesn't work...
    It only works properly after I give him the db_owner permission. I know it is strange... I hope that someone in mibuso can give me a possible solution for this...

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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    And can you post the exact error you get when trying with no db_owner permissions? ;-)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    xina_manxina_man Member Posts: 116
    kine wrote:
    And can you post the exact error you get when trying with no db_owner permissions? ;-)

    The problem is that I dont get an error message.
    The Field that I want to modify doesn't get updated... after the routine it stays just as it was before.
    If I give the db_owner permission the field is updated.
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    krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,098
    When you loop a table and change some fields in each record, it is best to use an extra record-variable
    I changed your code to do this:
    Window.OPEN(Text001 + '@1@@@@@@@@@@@@\');
    TotalRecNo := Rec.COUNT;
    // NO NEED TO DO A FIND: itemTable.FIND('-');
    itemTable.MODIFYALL("Qtd Calculo Necessidades", 0);
    Rec.FIND('-'); // or better : Rec.FINDSET(TRUE,TRUE);
       rec2YourTable := Rec;
       rec2YourTable.VALIDATE("Qtd Calculo Necessidades", Inventory2);
    //> this is for performance : update the dialogbox each 100 records.
       IF RecNo DIV 100 = 0 THEN
    //< this is for performance
       Window.UPDATE(1, ROUND(RecNo/TotalRecNo*10000,1));
    UNTIL Rec.NEXT = 0;
    Window.CLOSE; // best to close the dialogbox before running a form
    FORM.RUN(FORM::"Your Form"); // best use this instead of the ID. It makes upgrading easier
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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    xina_manxina_man Member Posts: 116
    kriki wrote:
    When you loop a table and change some fields in each record, it is best to use an extra record-variable
    I changed your code to do this:
    Window.OPEN(Text001 + '@1@@@@@@@@@@@@\');
    TotalRecNo := Rec.COUNT;
    // NO NEED TO DO A FIND: itemTable.FIND('-');
    itemTable.MODIFYALL("Qtd Calculo Necessidades", 0);
    Rec.FIND('-'); // or better : Rec.FINDSET(TRUE,TRUE);
       rec2YourTable := Rec;
       rec2YourTable.VALIDATE("Qtd Calculo Necessidades", Inventory2);
    //> this is for performance : update the dialogbox each 100 records.
       IF RecNo DIV 100 = 0 THEN
    //< this is for performance
       Window.UPDATE(1, ROUND(RecNo/TotalRecNo*10000,1));
    UNTIL Rec.NEXT = 0;
    Window.CLOSE; // best to close the dialogbox before running a form
    FORM.RUN(FORM::"Your Form"); // best use this instead of the ID. It makes upgrading easier

    Thank you for your reply.

    I've made those changes but unfortunately my problem continues...
    It doesn't update the required Item table field...
    But, by the way, thank you for those programing guidelines!
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    krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,098
    Run the code with the client monitor and check what "itemTable.MODIFYALL("Qtd Calculo Necessidades", 0);" does (=what query does it send to SQL).
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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