3 Computer install issue

eagle_eyeeagle_eye Member Posts: 130
edited 2009-05-29 in NAV Three Tier
I have the NAV Server on Server1
I have the Database on Server 2
And have installed the clients on both Server for testing

When Connecting to the Classic SQL client - no problem

When connect to the RTC I get the following error:

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server cannot connect the Change Listener to the SQL Server due to the following error: Login failed for user

Can anyone provide me with any help in resolving this??

On the userconfig I have specified the Nav Server (Server1) as the Server
The SQL database is not installed on a named instance
The server config specifies the SQL Server computer name(Server2) as the database server name

Any ideas what I can do?


  • SilverXSilverX Member Posts: 134
    For your error: Your NAV server runs under NETWORK SERVICE crendentials and tries to authenticate the computer account on the SQL Server. You should follow the instllation guides carefully. Especially these:

    Configuring Microsoft SQL Server
    Installation Walkthroughs

    In a 3 computer setup also read this.

    Note: The setspn command for SQL Server is wrong in the docs, use "MSSQLSvc" without the computer part. And always add two service principal names: one with a fqdn, one with a computer name only.

    If you have issues after this, search in this forum. I have seen your and some similar delegation related errors here before.
    There is a hotfix available which deals with delegation scenarios. I didn't remind yet, so maybe someone can help me out here :)

    ==> How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of my employer.
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