
Restrict a company in the database(SQL) to view access only?

jackiesjackies Member Posts: 114
Hi there :)

Is there a way to restrict access from a single company in an SQL database? We have this template company we want to keep users away from making changes since this is the basis for all the others.

Using Navision 4.0, SQL and moving shortly to version 5

Thanks! :D


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    infonoteinfonote Member Posts: 233
    jackies wrote:
    Hi there :)

    Is there a way to restrict access from a single company in an SQL database? We have this template company we want to keep users away from making changes since this is the basis for all the others.

    Using Navision 4.0, SQL and moving shortly to version 5

    Thanks! :D

    You can create a role 'Read' which allows users to read the data without modifying/inserting.

    Tools | Security | Roles

    You then assign the companies users to that role.
    You can allow directors to view information without modifying the information.
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    jackiesjackies Member Posts: 114
    Thanks infonote for your input :)

    However, we already have the roles set and we want to add to each role group this company as read access only.

    e.g. an advance user can have read/write/rename access in the database but for the specific company he only has read access.

    As a result, we want to maintain our different levels of roles for different user groups, while restricting them all from modifying this company (except from being able to copy as template during initial setup).

    Our overall goal is to keep this template company clean and consistent for all companies created with that as a base. :)

    Thanks again!
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    jackiesjackies Member Posts: 114
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    jackiesjackies Member Posts: 114
    OK it's more complicated thah I thought...

    This Template should be accessible by everyone. Moreover, normal users should be able to select it at the initial company setup to copy the structure in the new company. So they should have write access after all.

    However, we want to restrict this write access in the process of copying the structure to a new company only. We want to avoid people accessing this Template company to check something and making any changes in the Chart of accounts, subsidiary ledgers, etc.

    Since we are moving to version 5 in a few months, copying the structure from any company will automatically now copy subsidiary ledgers as well. So we want to prevent this by fixing all our template companies in every server while restricting users write access only when they copy the structure.

    Thanks again :D
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