
Warehouse Shipment Header Missing Address Fields?!?!?!?!

PhiltooPhiltoo Member Posts: 36
I'm trying to add some custom shipment rating data to the "Warehouse Shipment" form # 7335 in my system. This is where the logistics department has decided they want to view a list of ratings for the shipment to help them decide which carrier to use for the shipment.

Problem is the "Warehouse Shipment Header" doesn't have an address?!?!?!?!

My first question is how can you even have a "shipment" without an address? Second, where can I go to get the ship-to address for a given "Warehouse Shipment" record?


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    ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    A warehouse shipment can have multiple lines. Those lines can be linked to multiple sales lines. Those sales lines can be from different Sales documents, which can have different shipment address.
    I'm sure in your case you have one warehouse shipment per sales order. You can get the related document from the warehouse lines.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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    PhiltooPhiltoo Member Posts: 36
    Ok so a warehouse shipment record doesn't represent any real world scenario or logic.

    So at some point Nav and reality have to come together. In reality a shipment has a single ship-to address, and all the line items are bound to that same destination.

    On which form/table does NAV provide a shipment record with a single address and all the line qty that was picked so that I can apply a rating routine so the logistics guys can choose the lowest cost carrier before posting a shipment? Preferably we can get there form the "Warehouse Shipment" form for ease of use.

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    ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    well the way I would do is to add 4-5 new fields to warehouse shipment Header table. Address 1, Address 2, etc.

    Modify report 5753 Get Source Documents to populate the warehouse shipment Header.
    Add the field to the warehouse shipment form/list and allow the user to look at them.

    I suggest to contact your Solution center to review the modification with you.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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    daborgdaborg Member Posts: 54
    Philtoo wrote:
    In reality a shipment has a single ship-to address, and all the line items are bound to that same destination.

    Think of a Warehouse Shipment as your (for example) truck that you are delivering the goods in. The truck doesn't necessarily deliver to one place. It may have to make multiple stops to many different customers. This of course translates to many sales orders in NAV. The Warehouse Shipment allows you to group those orders together and ship them all at once. It also gives you the ability to print a consilidated pick document if you will based on teh warehouse shipment lines, which in fact point back to many sales orders.
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