X86 or running 32 bit on X64 ??

anilkumaranilkumar Member Posts: 136
edited 2009-05-25 in General Chat
Hi Dynamics Experts!

I have little confusion on following terms:

Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition (32-bit x86); Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x64 and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 or later (X86 or running 32 bit on X64), what is the meaning here (X86 or running 32 bit on X64) ??

Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition two types 1. 32 bit and other 64 bit, as per systems requirements of microsoft specifies X86 or running 32 bit on X64, what exactly it means??

Can any one has any Idea ??
Anil Kumar Korada
Technical Consultant


  • vasilis6669vasilis6669 Member Posts: 109
    if your server is 64 bit then you intall software with 64 bit.

    X86 is the same as 32 bit. but you can isntall x86 software on 64 bit machine.

    If i am wrong on this please correct me.

  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    x86 is both 32 and 64 bit. You can't install 64 bit software on a 32 bit O/S, but you can install 32 bit software on a 64 bit O/S. Although it is recommended that you use the 64 bit version if available.
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