Purchase/Sales Schedule

wolverine99wolverine99 Member Posts: 21
Hi Experts,

a) Is there any report or method where by we can schedule the shipment or receipt of materials to customr/vendor..

i.e - My customer gives an order for 1000 qty.. but i am supposed to send him 100 qty each month.

Similarly we give the vendor 1000 qty as an open open order, he is supposed to send material montly based on our request, based on the receipt date vendor rating also would be calculated.

b) Is There any default Vendor Rating Calculation in Nav 5.0

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  • kapil4dynamicskapil4dynamics Member Posts: 591
    a) U can use blanket orders for that on each line u can mention the monthly shipment or receipt date and while processing the order e.g. this month just fill in the quantity to receive and make order. But remember it will carry the dates from here to order.

    or u can fill in the quantity in the line as 1000 and have No date selected in Purchase and Payables default posting date. Then just fill in the quantity to rec as 100 every month in ur Blanket order and create order. Then on the order which was created u can change the posting date.

    U will have to check one thing here, the dates, make sure after taking data from blanket order u check ur dates on Purchase Order. Posting date and Document date as well because on basis of document date system will calculate the due date for payment.

    b)NAV gives by default Top Vendors list on report and Vendor Statistics . I don't think there is anything as "Rating ".

    U want rating for statistical purpose or analysis purpose means how much u bought from this guy and how good he has been in payments etc.

    What exactly u r looking for ?
    Kapil Khanna
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