Reset Unit Cost for an BOM Item

fmhiguefmhigue Member Posts: 290
I got an item that has Bill of Materials. The Unit Cost was fine until someone made a positive adjustment and then the Unit Cost increase like 10 times.

I decide to do a Negative Adjustments of all items on the inventory and the do a Positive Adjustment with the right cost (Vendor Cost). But Average Cost and Unit Cost are moving when I run Adjust Cost, Cost Post to G/L. The items is setup as FIFO.

Any ideas to enter the right Unit Cost.

Thank you in advance


  • kapil4dynamicskapil4dynamics Member Posts: 591
    Somebody would have posted wrong unit cost that's why it would have ballooned.

    I would have revalued that particular entry by just selecting the apply from entry no. on revaluation journal and ran the ACIE.

    But it depends on how many wrong +ve adjustment have been posted if there are more than one but only 1 item is there. I think better will be just put in the item and select the entries which u want to reevaluate and put in the figures which u wanted actually and post a revlaution journal with correct figures with correct application.

    Here one more thing u will have to notice this was applicable to items present in inventory but check whether u have sold some items which were at wrong costs.

    If u have sold then the process will change first create the sales return (here select aaply from item entry on sales line) after this u can revalue ur item and then again sell it again by selecting apply to (against ur new revalued figure) but keep all dates with u + make sure u select apply from item entry on sales return and on revaluation journal select apply to.
    Kapil Khanna
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