Dev Toolkit 300 adds wrong Field Groups

JaanaJaana Member Posts: 28
Hi there,

I merged a 4.0 and a 2009 database with the "Focus On Objects" on all versions. The result is pretty OK, but the new Field Groups make problems. There are a lot tables where the standard NAV 2009 does not have any Field Groups, but the merge added Field Groups (for fields which are even not in this table!). I attached an image with an example from table 24.

Is this a known issue of the Toolkit?



  • JaanaJaana Member Posts: 28
    OK, I give up!
    Is there anyone who used the merge functionality of the new Developers Toolkit successfully? Here are all issues I had so far. I did Tables, Codeunits and Forms. Here I stopped, because the result is just not usable:

    1. Field Groups are added to tables where there are no Field Groups in the new Base Version (see my initial post)
    2. Some Tables are merged without Keys. Had this e.g. With table 21. Manual remerge was OK. (old known issue from previous versions of the Toolkit)
    3. Key Property SIFTLevelToMaintain cannot be imported from TXT file! (examples: table 21, table 25)
    4. Still the old known issue with wrong ID's of local Variables, e.g. T39
    5. Objects with added Permissions cannot be importet, wrong format in export (e.g. T111)
    6. RunFormLinks in Forms are exported without comma separation. Therefore most of the forms cannot be compiled.

    Are all of these known issues? If so, will ther be an upgrade soon? Probably with SP1 of 2009? Because this version makes definately more trouble than it helps. And I did not try Reports yet...

    Thanks for any help advice or perspective for a new version!

  • MaximusMaximus Member Posts: 105
    Hi Jaana,

    you are not alone. I also encountered these problems last week. Have you found a solution or a workaround yet?

    I might have a sugestion for the 4th problem you mentioned (4. Still the old known issue with wrong ID's of local Variables, e.g. T39):

    Have you tried using the REMID.bat and .exe that come with the Upgrade Toolkit? The exe removes the ID's from variables so they are not recognized as a difference/conflict when you execute the merge. When you read back your txt fob in your new database C/SIDE assigns new ID's. Perhaps this helps you.

    I will make sure these issues are reported back to Microsoft via the company I work for.

    Grtz, Max
  • CaponeCapone Member Posts: 125
    Still no solution to these problems? [-o<
    I'm currently working with the field groups problem ](*,)
    Hello IT, have you tried to turn it off and on?
    Have you checked the cables?
    Have you released the filters?
  • Denis_VitseDenis_Vitse Member Posts: 34
    Really sad to say I hate this tool and don't understand why it's been made available to the community when you see how bugged and dangerous it is!!!
  • JMAJMA Member Posts: 10
    DevToolkit 3.01 has still the same problem with Field Groups.
    There is a simple Solution. Create in the Toolkit-Database an new Codeunit and run it:
    Name	DataType	Subtype
    ObjectReference	Record	Object Reference	
    FieldReference	Record	Field/Control	
    ObjectReference.SETCURRENTKEY("Version No.","Object Type","Object ID",SubType);
    ObjectReference.SETRANGE("Object Type",ObjectReference."Object Type"::Table);
    ObjectReference.SETRANGE(SubType,ObjectReference.SubType::"Field Groups");
    FieldReference.SETCURRENTKEY("Reference No.");
        FieldReference.SETRANGE("Reference No.",ObjectReference."Field/Control Reference No.");
        IF NOT FieldReference.FINDFIRST OR (FieldReference.Type <> FieldReference.Type::FieldGroup) THEN BEGIN
          ObjectReference."Field/Control Reference No." := 0;
          ErrorCounter += 1;
      UNTIL ObjectReference.NEXT = 0;
    MESSAGE('Corrected Field Groups: %1',ErrorCounter);

    A report for missing keys in the toolkit database is also possible, if you understand the structure of the tables "Object Reference" and "Key" in there. You have to scan the "Object Reference" table with filter on "Object Type"::Table and SubType::Keys and lookup the field "Key Reference No." in the field "Reference No." of table "Key". If you don't found it there, you will have to remerge the table.
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