Could not load the selected library type (Version 2.60B)

Charlie853Charlie853 Member Posts: 5
edited 2009-06-09 in Navision Financials
I am trying to add feilds to a current form, (using the feild menu I select the Tool ID and drop it on the form) when I try to compile it gives me this error: Could not load the selected library type. When I select ok the Form Cal editor opens, I am not editing any of the code, nor is there any reference in the code to any of the fields on this page.
I can add fields to the master page with out any problem, it is the pages within the master I am having trouble with.
Anyone have a solution to this? Your help is greatly appreciated.



  • byllebylle Member Posts: 47

    It sounds like your form does contain an global or local variable of type Automation which is not installed on you computer.
    You need to have this automation registrered before you will be able to compile the form.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Also it is not a good idea to have the automation on form. The automation should have it's own CU so that it is isolated and doesn't need to be installed on every machine.
    Only users that actually interact with it would require it, and if you are compiling all objects or upgrading, the CU can be updated without much effort.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • Charlie853Charlie853 Member Posts: 5
    Thank you
    I am not sure I understand, Somewhere there is an automation on this form? I am new to this configuration I have just started at this company, I am experienced in Navision however this particular case is highly customized. A button was added to pull an external document would this be the cause? Everyone in sales uses this button. I would appreciate a hint on how to find this, I am told by mangement that they are unaware of this automation.

    Any help is greatly appreciated
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Export the object to text and search for automation.
    You will find the variable. Then search the registry on the users computer that use the feature for the GUID.
    Once you find where the DLL is then copy that to your computer and register it. Then you can compile the Form.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • rmpatel22rmpatel22 Member Posts: 80
    Click on View -> CAL Globales

    Here you can see one or more Automation variables with subtype 'Undefined varaible', you need to register that control, after that it will complile.


    Rakesh Patel
    Navision Developer
  • Charlie853Charlie853 Member Posts: 5
    Thank you
    I have found the reference under the CAL Globals. Unfortunately all it states is Name: Detector Subtype: unknown automation server. Is there any other way I can find out what this is or turn it off? We are not using any automation that I can find in the daily operations.
    Your help is greatly appreciated

    Thank you
  • rmpatel22rmpatel22 Member Posts: 80
    If you are sure that you are not using any automation then delete that "Detection" variable from CAL Globals and then try to complile it, if it has been used in code it will give you error, then comment that code and try to compile it, repeate this steps untill it compiles sucessfully.

    Hope this will resolve your problem.

    Rakesh Patel
    Navision Developer
  • Charlie853Charlie853 Member Posts: 5
    I am over processing this, I am just not able to figure This out. Is the Dectector MSAccess?
    Your help is greatly appreciated
    Thank you.

    IsActive := VARIABLEACTIVE(MSAccess);
    IF IsActive THEN

    IsActive := VARIABLEACTIVE(Detector);
    IF IsActive THEN

    sAppName := 'MSACCESS.EXE';
    //strdb := "Work Order No.";
    strdb := ('[Enter The Work Order Number] = " &') + (' ') + ("Work Order No.") + (' ')+('& "');
    IF strform <> '' THEN BEGIN
    IF Detector.MsAccessRunning(sAppName) THEN BEGIN
    //DoCmd.OpenReport "MyReportName",2, , "[SomeDate] = #" &
    // MSAccess.DoCmd.FindRecord(strdb);
    // MSAccess.DoCmd.OpenReport(strform);
    MSAccess.DoCmd.OpenReport(strform,2,'','[Enter The Work Order Number] = " & strdb & "');
    // MSAccess.DoCmd.FindRecord(strdb);
    MESSAGE('The Model Type is Empty, so this feature is Disabled');
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