Hello All,
I just found that, if I go through WEB to access the WEB-SERVICE in NAV at that time,
CURRFIELDNO function will always occupy 0 (Zero) value, which will affect some Business Logic or Technical Logic wrongly.
E.G. I tried to update "Qty. To Ship" field through WEB by using Web Service of Sales Order Sub Form. Refer the attached diagram of code in NAV containing CURRFIELDNO function call.
As a general behaviour, CURRFIELDNO will always contain 0 value on accessing it through WEB.
So, I think it will affect Business Logic badly sometimes, whenever there is a use of this Function. (Please Suggest)
Is there any other option to make it work, properly?
Thanks in Adv.
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
E Mail :
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Thanks for the reply. Actually as I have specified, I am not going to create a Sales Line. I am going to modify the Qty. To Ship field value through WEB. And in that case CURRFIELDNO is 0(zero) vale.
While through NAV side, on doing the same task, CURRFIELDNO field value will be 18.
Refer the Attched for clear idea.
Please, suggest me if any sollution.
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
E Mail : ravi.thakkar@hotmail.com
Currfieldno is zero. web service is no different.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
If I have designed the same form on WEB and To provide the same value to that function, what should I do?
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
E Mail : ravi.thakkar@hotmail.com
MVP - Dynamics NAV
In his case, the user is actually entering the sales order, but not through RTC, but through some web front end, and he has integrated it through webservice.
That is why he is expecting the same result. But there are other issue he will run into. For example Nav runs the validating at the time of insert. So you can't control the sequence of what get validated.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
You exactly got my requirement. I want to execute the same code as the NAV behaviour.
Any Suggestion?
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
E Mail : ravi.thakkar@hotmail.com