Web Service, Update, Error, SetFocus

mbjmbj Member Posts: 63
edited 2009-05-12 in NAV Three Tier
How to set focus in a field in aspx after getting an Exception from Nav 2009?

I only get the errorstring from the Exception but cannot find the fieldno or “page field name”

and I will not update after each field.


  • Ravi_ThakkarRavi_Thakkar Member Posts: 392
    How you have provided the GUI in aspx?
    By using any transformation tool, which is refering the NAV page directly or manually created GUI?
    In aspx, first you need to catch the exception in TRY-CATCH block. Then in Catch block, you need to write code to cause any event to occure which you want.
    To set the focus on perticular field, you will need to do the code manually.
    Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
    E Mail : ravi.thakkar@hotmail.com
  • mbjmbj Member Posts: 63
    My problem is how to select the right field after update when I have an Exception from Nav 2009 Web Service. I know how to set the focus in aspx, Forms etc.
  • Ravi_ThakkarRavi_Thakkar Member Posts: 392
    If I have got you correctly then,

    .NET will not be aware with the error causes of NAV Business Logic.
    And aspx fields also are created manually. So, for this scenario, you would require knowledge of NAV business logic and according to that you need to do manual work.
    Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
    E Mail : ravi.thakkar@hotmail.com
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