I have one short (I hope :-) ) question. We are going up from a native to a SQL Server with our database this summer. Actually we are working with replicator 4.22 in the native database.
=> When we start working with SQL Server it`s not possible to go back to native (if there where some errors, etc.). Because of this we have one, perhaps crazy idea to be on a safer side the first weeks: When we work with sql we still keep the replicator running and replicate the values to our native database (backup server). This means in simple words: Make replication from sql database dynamics nav to native database dynamics nav. Is it possible? :-)
Thanks for your help!
Best Regards from Germany, bavaria!
The Problem is that our database is over 300GB and to make a restore this takes too long. So for example we have the worstcase on tuesday afternoon for me it`s not possible to make the restore till the next day :-(
You know what i mean?
Thanks, David!
I assume you have completed all testing, and are certain that SQL performs as you need it to, so what's the problem?
You understand what i mean?
Thanks 4 u help, David,
By the way, when you move to SQL Server, you don't need to take NAV backups anymore. Restoring a 500GB database from a SQL Server backup takes a fraction of what restoring a NAV backup takes, it will be as fast as your hardware can transfer the file. I've seen a 350GB database be restored in less than 20 minutes.
I agree with David that initially you should investigate whether a regular backup strategy will be sufficient for your needs. For instance, you can set up daily full backups, and transaction log backups every 15 minutes. If your production machine would go down it would be very easy to get your database back up with a maximum of 15 minutes data loss, and sometimes you can even save the active log file. Using SQL Server backup files this would not have to take hours.
I understand all you write and we have a backup strategy with log shipping, mirroring and saving the transaction protocols. The only problem i have, and i know that it`s less than one percent, is, whats going on when i have problems with the functionallity of the sql server <-> our database?! Perhaps something in our big system is not working correctly (we have made many changes in the code), and so on. And because of this perhaps it`s possible to work on with the replicator, thats my idea :-)
You know what i mean?
Thanks on both :-)
By the way, what is this replicator that you are talking about?
If that is the reason, then personally I do not think you are ready to switch over to SQL. Do more testing, and when you feel confident, then you can switch over.
You know there are a lot of NAV/SQL experts that do these types of conversions for a living. You would be well served, and doing the right thing for your customer to call one of them for help, so that you can be sure.
followed the information about the problem from the solution center:
"Yes you can replicate SQL based Navision with Native. If you are using update-add-delete specs running sequential read=source+dest.you may however run into some errors because sql and native returns records in different order. We have tried to minimize this issue by using a new lookup function implemented in repnt.exe v 4.22.15. (Included in the 4.22.20 version available in the download section."
With the replication from SQL to Native you can, for example do it with the following:
SQL Database on the one site (is it a NAV system or a other system?) and a sql database on you site. Between both you enable the replication. With a Client or a NAS on the native db you check via ADO and timer or event if there are new recs in the sql database in your sql system. If yes, you import the recs in your database and start the (if needed) process to handle the data (like create Orders).
This was the solution that is have use by a customer with a WebShop (SQL) and a native database and he needed all the orders from webshop / send Data to webshop.
I`ve get one solution statement from a solutioncenter:
"Yes you can replicate SQL based Navision with Native. If you are using update-add-delete specs running sequential read=source+dest.you may however run into some errors because sql and native returns records in different order. We have tried to minimize this issue by using a new lookup function implemented in repnt.exe v 4.22.15. (Included in the 4.22.20 version available in the download section."
The Replicator is a standard data integration solution that offers universal and unique data exchange between two or more Navision databases such as Navision, Navision Financials, Navision Attain, MBS-Navision and Microsoft Dynamics NAV. We are working with it since five years and through different version!
More to read: http://www.databackbone.com/domsite/backbone2.nsf/content/mbok6m9fjj
But it indeed waste of time, you can fix all functionality bugs on the fly in the worstcase and it is better than cancel migration and get second chance.
I would have no hesitation recommending the product, I just don't think that this is the right approach in this case.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
followed the information about the problem from the solution center:
"Yes you can replicate SQL based Navision with Native. If you are using update-add-delete specs running sequential read=source+dest.you may however run into some errors because sql and native returns records in different order. We have tried to minimize this issue by using a new lookup function implemented in repnt.exe v 4.22.15. (Included in the 4.22.20 version available in the download section."
The above setup is located at Distribution Location F99001649.
Ls Retail Toolbox, Data Director, and Fin Plugin must be installed.
Ls Retail - Microsoft Dynamics Nav