Please helpppp
I hope someone could help me, I'd been trying to un-assign users to menus, after a do that I compile the menusuite, I also restart the service.
The problem is that if the user un-assigned enters in taylor client when he goes to Department, he can see and use the un-assigned menu.
Does anyone has any idea of this problem. As reference if this user enters in classic the menu its not available as it should be on taylor
for this reason, it's a bit nonsense to assign single users when we have roles...don't know if i am clear.
anyway, the only way to hide a department (e.g.: financial) is to delete it from the menusuite. Otherwise, you have to set permissions correctly. In a strong-related environment like NAV, if you hide a financial from the menu, you'll be able to get (for example) to the sales documents anyway: you can look up to g/l account from almost anywhere (posting setup for example) and from there you can jump to wherever.
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