Date compression - item ledger entries

finderfinder Member Posts: 129
One of our customer has used Report 798 - Date Compress Item Ledger and now they have a lot of problems. The worst problem is that they can't run Report 795 - Adjust Cost - Item Entries as it gives an error message that "Item Ledger Entry Entry No. XXXXX does not exist". They can't restore previous backup as they have already made a lot of entries after that. They are using version is 4.0 SP2.
As I understand the problem comes from Item Application Entry table that has still detailed information about item ledger entries but in item ledger entry table are entries already compressed. Could someone suggest solution how to fix it.

I would really aprecciate your help,



  • MalajloMalajlo Member Posts: 294
    I had the same problem. ](*,)
    Found out that there are still references to T:339 (Item Application Entry).
    So, if you delete that "missing" entry, it should work. Since compression deletes item entries, therefore can not be used any more. Those entries are closed and it should be a bug in date comp. batch.
    My first "solution" was to copy missing Item Entries and referenced Value entries from backed up database. That made no odd postings.
    Also deleting entry in T:339 had no influence to postings.
    Method used is FIFO.

    So, make a backup, try on test database and check values on specific item(s).
  • finderfinder Member Posts: 129
    Adjust Cost report gives an error that Entry No. 465056 doesn't exist. I found two entries in Item Application Entry. Should I delete both of them? Entries 563390 and 814916 are still in database. How does it affect these entries if I delete this two lines from Item Application Entry table.

    Entry No.|ILE No.|Inb.ILE No.|Outb.ILE No.|Quantity|Date |Transf.from Entry|Cost Application|Completely Invd. Date|
    604794 563390 465056 563390 -4 07.01.08 0 Yes 07.01.08
    877173 814916 465056 814916 -10 05.08.08 0 Yes 05.08.08
  • finderfinder Member Posts: 129
    I really appreciate if someone could share their experience how to solve this situation.
  • finderfinder Member Posts: 129
    I made some additional research and found that there are approx. 6000 item application entries that are connected with item ledger entries that are not existing any more (after date compression). Can I just delete all these entries or is there better solution how to fix this situation.
  • dbdb Member Posts: 82
    There are few solutions:
    - clear missing links in t339 and modify Cost adjustment code against rounding problem.
    - restore missing entries to another table and modify related code.

    Next facing problem will be rounding entries.
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