Flow filters consuming a web service

PutxiPutxi Member Posts: 8
edited 2014-01-26 in NAV Three Tier
how I can apply a flow filter to a web service to get the stock availability for a set of Items in a specific location?

I've modified the item page to publish the Location_filter field but in the web service i´ve got an error message.


  • jreynoldsjreynolds Member Posts: 175
    Adding a FlowFilter field to a page web service definitely causes an error. I have a support incident open with Microsoft on this specific topic and so far there's not be much in the way of a response.

    I have discovered that you can create an extension codeunit that extends the page web service where you can pass in the value of the flowfilter and then the codeunit can set the filter, calculate the flowfield, and pass the result back.
  • chets0810chets0810 Member Posts: 5
    Me to integrate the Navision web service with share point web portal for dealer.
    While using the Item list page (to get the inventory by location) web service and add the Location filter in page it gives error. Web page give error.

    While use the extension using codeunit web service. Web page become too slow. :(
  • airatxairatx Member Posts: 2
    I know that it has been a lot of time since the first post, but we just have faced the problem and found the solution, may be it could help someone else too.

    In the OnAfterGetRecord code of the published page:

    SETRANGE("Location Filter", 'LOCATION_VALUE');

    Not need of extension codeunit at all.

    Hope it helps.

  • geordiegeordie Member Posts: 655
    How did you manage to pass "'LOCATION_VALUE" as parameter to the page?
  • airatxairatx Member Posts: 2
    Yes, sorry, I noticed it after I summit the answer. At this point we have no need to pass the location as a parameter because we work actually with only one location, I mean, we have more than one but we only ship our deliveries from this one, so..

    But I pretty sure that we going to face this problem soon, so I keep working in a solution and I found a ugly one, but it works.

    If you pass the filter "Base Unit of Measure" (for instance )= '<>Location_value', this filter has none effect and in the OnAfterGetRecord code section:

    LOCATION VALUE = GETFILTER(COPYSTR("Base Unit of Measure", 3, 10);

    Again sorry for my rash answer. :oops:

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