I do not know if you know
GIT, but it is tool for keeping version history in distributed development env. used e.g. for developing Linux kernels. It issimple but powerfull and I am trying to use it for NAV. Right now I have one subject for discussion:
Creating public GIT repository for NAV code for actual versions, where will be added all official/unofficial patches for known bugs. In this way we can keep actual code for different versions with possible bugs already solved, everyone can look at it, aply the patch in own code etc. We can have local branches for local NAV versions etc.
Things to solve:
1) Legal - if it will be allowed by MSFT to have something like that (may be biggest problem)
2) Where to place this repository
3) How to organise this (who, what etc.)
Git tree example screenshot:
What is your opinion on this?
What I am most interested in is a permanent repository of NAV versions, full product CD's, an FTP site that doesn't move around, that is easy to navigate. This should then contain all versions of Navision, with all patches, all localizations, all in one place. You're looking for Navision 2.6E for the German localisation with advanced distribution? No worries, it's all in the "2.6" folder. There used to be one for the US localization (at greatplains.com of all places
I'd settle for a more comprehensive, easy to navigate partnersource by the way
And yes, I know that biggest thing to have that is MSFT view on this...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
5.0, 5.0 sp1, 2009, 2009 SP1.
This will just add an additional overhead.
I would be interested in a history of KB articles and short summary on when they were fixed and in what version it is implemented.
I like waldo list for hotfixes. We should have same for Codes fixes.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
And people are paying for it.